Bill Huxley – Resident  from 2015 


It was in November 2015 that I and my wife Valerie moved into the Old Chapel. We fell in love with it on sight. Both being of the Christian faith the thought of the history of the chapel resonated deeply within us and we were keen to research its history: sadly we were to find very little, it seemed that its story would not be told. It was March the 12th 2016 when the door bell rang and I was to open it to a fine gentleman,Vernon Godden.

Vernon introduced himself as the great Grandson of two of the founders of the chapel. For me it was a gift from God and I warmly invited Vernon in, to have him share his story. I was not to be disappointed and I thought then that the information should be recorded for the village of Easterton and the generations to come. This then is the background of the development of this web site and I am very grateful for the wealth of information Vernon has contributed to its making. Vernons' very personal account of the history of the chapel can be read here.



Rev Vernon Godden

(Methodist minister and great-grandson of two founder members)


'Since 1868 the Chapel has been part of Easterton's High Street. For well over one hundred years it was where Methodists in the village came to worship and to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Today the building provides a much-loved home, but there is a story to be told which is part of Easterton's history. The present occupant of the Old Chapel, Bill Huxley, is ensuring that future generations will have it to read and for this, he deserves our lasting thanks.' Rev Vernon Godden (Methodist minister and great-grandson of two founder members)